La Belle France
On previous rallies we have driven through multiple countries and had to attempt multiple languages. This year however, (unless you get lost of course, we do come quite close to the Swiss border) our journey will only take us through la belle France!
To help you on your way in conversing with the locals more fluently, we’ve put together some useful words and phrases for you to perfect before next week!

Phrase | French | Pronunciation |
Turn Left | tournez a gauche | tourn-ay ah goash |
Turn Right | tournez a droite | tourn-ay ah dwat |
Straight on | tout droite | too dwat |
Roundabout | rond point | rohn p-wah |
The second right | la deuxieme droite | la duh-zi-em dwat |
The second left | la deuxieme gauche | la duh-zi-em goash |
Where is the campsite? | Ou est le camping? | ooh-ay le comp-ing |
We are lost! | Nous sommes perdus! | noose somm pear-dues |
Can you show me on a map how to get there? | Pouvez- vous me montrer sur une carte comment y arriver? | poo-vay vooz meh montray soor un cart comma ee arri-vay |
Over there | la-bas | lah bah |
Useful Phrases
Phrase | French | Pronunciation |
Is there a petrol station near here? | Est-ce qu’il ya une station d’essence pres d’ici? | Es-keh eel-yah oon sta-zion dess-ance preh dee-cee |
Is there a garage near here? | Est-ce qu’il ya une garage pres d’ici? | Es-keh eel-yah oon garage preh dee-cee |
How much does this cost? | Combien ca coute? | Kom-bee-en sah coot |
Do you take credit cards? | Vous prenez la carte de crédit? | Vooz pren-ez lah cart de cred-eet |
Where are the toilets? | Ou sont les toilettes? | Ooh sont lez twa-lettes |
I need a doctor | J’ai besoin d’un medicin! | Zhay bez-wen dun medi-san |
Are you serving food now? | Servez-vous maintenant la nourriture? | Serv-ez vooz man-tenan lah noor-it-ture |
Can you speak a little slower please….. | Parler plus lentement s’il vous plait | Par-lay plooze lant-i-ment see vooz play |
Do you speak English? My French is bad | Vous parlez Anglais? Ma Francais est mauvais! | Vooz par-lay ung-lays? Mah fran-says est moh-vay |
I have traveler’s insurance. | J’ai d’assurance voyage. | Zhay dassur-ans voy-ahge |
Do you sell aftersun? – | Vendez-vous après le soleil | Ven-days vooz ah-prez sol-ay |
We’re raising money for charity. | Nous sommes collectez de fonds pour charité! | Nooz somm collectays de fonds pour charit-ay |
Is it serious? | C’est grave? | Sest grav |
Could you take a photo of us please? | Est-ce que vous-pouvez prendre une photo? | Es-keh vooz poo-vay prend oon phoh-toh |
Sorry | Desole | Deh-sol-ay |
Excuse Me | Excusez-moi | Ek-sku-zay mwa |
Thanks | Merci | Mer-see |
Please | S’il vous plait | See vooz play |
That’s great | C’est bon | Say bon |
Do you have WIFI? | Avez-vous le WIFI? | Ah vays leh weefee |
Can I charge my phone? | Puis-je charger mon téléphone | Pwee jeh shar-jay mon tele-phon |
I do not understand | Je ne comprend pas | Jeh ney com-prend pah |
Can I have the bill please? | L’addition s’il vous plait? | Ladi-shon see vooz play |
Phrase | French | Pronunciation |
Tea with milk | Thé au lait | Tay-o-lay |
With sugar | Avec de sucre | Ah-vek doo soo-cre |
Coffee | Café | Kah – fay |
Fork | Fourchette | Four-shet |
Knife | Couteau | Coo-toe |
Spoon | Cuillère | Kwee-yeah |
Steak, Well done, medium, rare | Bifteck/fillet, bien cuit, moyen, a point | Beef-tek/fillay, bee-en kwee, mwah-yen, ah pwen |
Chips | Frittes | Freets |
Can I have a beer please? | Je prends une bière s’il vous plait. | Jeh prondz oon bee-air see vooz play |
Still Water | Eau minérale | Oh min-er-rale |
Sparkling Water | Eau minérale gazeuse | Oh min-er-rale gaz-euhse |
Car Related
Phrase | French | Pronunciation |
Tyres | Pneus | Puh-ner |
Spare wheel | La roue de secours | Lah rou de seh-koors |
Brakes | Le frein | Lah frens |
Oil | Huile | Wheel |
Windscreen wipers | L’essuie glace | Less-ance gla |
Car Jack | Le cric | Leh crick |
My car is broken down, help! | Ma voiture en panne, aidez-moi! | Mah vwa-ture en pan, eh-dez mwa! |
Driving licence | Permis de conduire | Pear-mis de kon-dwire |
Of course, if all else fails just remember to speak slowly, loudly and most importantly in English. Add in a few hand jestures for good measure;)