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Tips for driving in France

There’s a lot to remember when it comes to getting organised for an event as epic as the Teesside Rallye du Soleil. Even if you are an experienced European driver, things do change.

Firstly, here are some useful websites to have a look at:

DVLA Driver Records

Some time ago the DVLA retired the use of the paper part of photocard driving licenses. However, you may be asked to provide details of endorsements so it is a good idea to organise a printout and request an access code before you leave Blighty. The codes only last for 21 days so don’t be too hasty!

Dartford Crossing Charge

If you don’t have the pleasure of driving around the Essex part of the M25 on a regular basis, you may not be aware that you can no longer chuck money at a bucket to make the crossing. You will now need to pay via this website. You can open an account that works a bit like an Oyster card (and the fee is a bit cheaper) or you can choose to make a one-off payment.

Driving in France

Most of the advice about driving in France in your driver packs. The bits that didn’t make the cut can be found on this great page published by the AA.

My personal thoughts… 

If you are new to driving on the wrong side of the road (some might say the right) it can be a bit of a daunting prospect. I would, however, say that this feeling only lasts for a few minutes once you start driving. The first encounter with a roundabout is always fun:) Even though I have covered many thousands of miles on Europe’s roads, I always try and do the following:

  • As soon as I get off the ferry I will start muttering to myself “Keep Right, Keep Right” at least until I get on to a main road. Small quiet roads, carparks and service stations are all places where it is easy to forget which side you need to be on. If it is your first time then feel free to stick behind one of the support cars until you get your confidence up. 
  • On motorways, I don’t just rely on using my left-hand mirror to see if it is safe to pull out. As a biker (the motorised type) I am always doing lifesaver checks, looking over my shoulder to double check a car is not about to kill me. I find I quick glance out the back left window of the car on French motorways a useful safety tip.
  • Roundabouts, yes you do go the other way round. Apart from that they pretty much work the same. Getting your lanes right can sometimes be challenging and I find it’s better to have your co-driver looking out for signs.
  • Left-hand turns – just like a right turn in the UK but the other way. It can be tempting to go the wrong side (left side) of any bollards…remember, Keep Right.
  • Traffic lights – I always as my co-driver to help me here as back-up. In your first town/village you will have a lot to take in and spotting the lights is important.
  • French drivers – I find them much better than us drivers in the UK. Motorway driving is usually a pleasure, very few lane hoggers. If you do stay too long in the outside lane, however, expect left indicators and headlights to be flashed at you quickly followed by a car sitting an inch off your rear bumper. On mountain roads don’t be surprised if you get overtaken by the locals, they will know the road better than you and they will be sitting on the left side of their car and therefore are able to see the road ahead better than you in a lot of cases. It’s best to just slow down a bit and let them go…even if they are driving a 90’s Peugeot with a hay bale hanging out the boot! (yes, I was overtaken by a Peugeot 205 carrying hay on a tiny mountain road and he rounded the hairpin corner on 3 wheels!!)
  • Finally, remember this is not a race, nothing is timed, no prizes for getting to a destination first. The main thing is to arrive at each days end point safely having enjoyed a unique driving experience.
Car on autoroute
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